Friday, January 25, 2013

Escaping the Mainland: Puerto Rico, 25 January 2013

25 January 2013

4:11 PM
I'm on an airplane. Yesterday at this time, I was studying for a final and playing Skyrim, wondering how I was going to survive the next four days with no classes and nothing to do.

I got on the Internet and started googling places to go. I told myself that I just wanted to do something, and not to over-plan it. My first idea was to drive in a southern direction until I got tired of driving, and then stop. I thought about people I may be able to visit and then I realized that I didn't really want to visit anyone. Then it hit me. Puerto Rico. Why not? Plane tickets are similar to what it would fly to visit a lot of cities in the United States, and it's warm. I also don't know anyone there. It is a great idea on account of it being twelve degrees in Pittsburgh with a snow forecast of 4-6 inches. I called up a friend that I knew needed a break from life and work as well, and I asked her what she was doing this weekend. She immediately agreed to take off two days from work. You have to appreciate a person who can just drop everything on a moment's notice to go adventuring for five days.

We booked our flights, a hostel, and called it a night. I woke up, took my final, and left for the airport. It's a good thing I left as early as I did, because the snow hit finally, and it took three hours of driving on unplowed highways, sliding sideways hoping to avoid other cars, and praying. A lot. This wasn't a flight I could miss. Yesterday, I made the terrible, terrible mistake of saying to someone that I hated being patient and wasn't convinced that it was entirely a virtue. Of course, this was meant to be a joke, but it sure taught me a lesson. A half an hour drive turned three hour drive can really make you watch what you say!

Anyway, here I am. On the airplane. Headed to Puerto Rico. I'm going to hike in the rainforest, read on the beach, and not do a damn thing I don't want to.