Wednesday, August 14, 2013


Hi, this doesn't have anything to do with my Magellan project.

Since last year I've had a website that I've been using to learn HTML, CSS, PHP, responsive web design and all that good stuff.  It's not an official portfolio site or anything, and I pretty much only use it to try new things.  At some point, once I actually have a portfolio to show people, I'll make an actual site that I would feel okay giving out to people and employers.  Today I was working on it, and I used a post written by Chris Coyier that shows how to make a contact form.  I took it, edited it, made it more HTML5-ish, and put it up!  So feel free to send me random messages!  I enjoy them.  I've sent myself a lot already.  I also made Lauren do it.   Haha. Anyway, I'm using things like that to learn how data is saved/sent, etc over the web.

Also today, I added this blog url to my nav bar of the site.  So you can link it from there.  I edited the html a little bit to make it look more like how my actual site looks at the moment, but I have a bit of work to do.

Feel free to give me feedback or just send me a cool message with my contact form just because.  :)

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