Wednesday, August 14, 2013

Magellan 2013: Mesa Verde

Currently Listening To: Nature.  For once.  Birds and stuff.  And those little crickety things that just go at it all night.  
Miles Traveled: Whatever I was at yesterday... 

Obligatory selfie at the park.

During the day

I feel like this trail is something out of a movie

I got all artistic and stuff.

Just waiting for the sun to set.

I love this combination of colors

The rocks are higher than the moon

Rainbow sky

I wish I could stay at Mesa Verde another day.  It's beautiful.  This is by far my favorite place I've been to on the trip.  I got in around noon, and then spent the rest of the day setting up the tent, cooking, exploring, and just hanging out.  This morning, I was surprised that I slept in an hour late and then I realized yesterday I had hopped back a time zone without realizing it.  Anyway, I got up, worked on some stuff, met an Australian biker gang, and then hiked for a few hours.  Halfway through the hike, my camera battery died, so after getting that charged, I hiked back in the evening to watch the sun set by the mesa.  Three other guys had the same idea, so we all shared a few rocks and took pictures.  It was pretty amazing.

After talking with them for a little, they hiked back, and I sat on the edge and just watched.  It was pretty peaceful, which is something that I am unused to.  It was a weird feeling.  I didn't feel like I had to be anywhere or do anything.  I don't think I liked it.  Regardless, that feeling was ruined by the realization that it was pitch black, I was sitting on a cliff, and a bear lives nearby.  I think I ran most of the way back.

Tomorrow I'm driving as far into Kansas as I can and then stopping to sleep.  I feel like Kansas won't be terribly interesting, but I'll give it a shot.

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