Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Magellan 2013: San Diego, CA

Currently Listening To: I Will Run - Misty Edwards
Miles Traveled:  I forgot to check, but somewhere in the 3800s or 3900s...
Current Location: San Diego, CA

I slept in until about ten this morning, and it felt great.  That's like 1pm eastern time, so this should be interesting going home... Haha.  I drove to Joshua Tree National Park in the morning and... saw some Joshua Trees.  They're funky looking things.  From there, I went to Yucca Valley and met up with my cousin at Starbucks.  She just moved out here a month ago, so I was her first visitor.  We talked for a while about traveling and life, and then I left for San Diego.  It was nice to see another person that I actually knew.  

I wanted to stay in a campsite, but I got into the city area so late, that I had to book yet another motel.  I hate spending money... but here I am.  In the middle of San Diego.  Tomorrow I'm going to explore for a little and then keep heading north.  At some point, I'm going to make it to Santa Maria and hang out at my friend's house and have a BBQ, which I am pretty excited for.  I haven't seen her in like a year and a half.  After that, north into Oregon and then back East/South.  Still gotta hit up Colorado and Utah.  I also talked to Connor and I'm stopping in Cuyahoga Falls, OH on the way back to camp with him for a few days since I haven't seen him since May.  

That's pretty much it.  :)

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