Friday, August 16, 2013

Magellan 2013: Wakeeney, KS

Today was awesome.  I left Mesa Verde at 7am and started out towards 70.  I took a road that I thought would be a shortcut...but ended up being incredibly slow because of the mountains.  I didn't care in the slightest though, because the drive was absolutely gorgeous.  I finally understand why everyone wants to move to Colorado as soon as they visit.  I didn't want to leave.  I've already planned fall break to go fishing with Yoder.  I wish I had more time here.

I drove north and stopped by Black Canyon of the Gunnison at the south rim.  It was amazing, and I tried to drive down into the canyon, but the steep grade caused my car to overheat about a mile in.  Luckily, I had water reserved for overheating problems, and fixed it quick with the help of some friendly mechanic who was driving down to fish for the day. He stopped and explained to me how antifreeze works and how the tank overheats in a specific way to save the engine, etc. I didn't have the heart to tell him I already knew.  He was obviously being the big hero, so I let him have it. 

I ended up driving for roughly 16 hours today, with that one break in Gunnison.  I'm currently in Kansas, like half an hour from Hays.  Also, tonight was the first time I've actually been worried for my safety.  I stopped at this motel, and my room was at the opposite side, facing an unlit parking lot.  To get to that side, I had to walk through a dark alley with a chain link fence to the side, a fence that was holding back a barking dog. When I was walking, a door burst open and a guy with a cigarette and his pants undone and hanging open just watched me walk by.  I kept walking, quicker, and I saw a kitten on the sidewalk repeatedly running head first into the wall.  Altogether, I'm creeped out, tired, the door is bolted, and I'll be clearing out of here early tomorrow morning. 
I took this lake picture with my iPhone while driving, so I'm quite proud of how it turned out. 

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