Friday, August 2, 2013

Magellan 2013: Flagstaff, AZ

Currently Listening To: I Will Steal You Back - Jimmy Eat World
Miles Traveled: 2828.6
Current Location: Flagstaff, AZ

Well... I'm almost embarrassed to say that I don't have a lot to write about for today.  I woke up, moved out of the motel and to a campsite outside of Flagstaff.  Then, I went to the library when it opened, and stayed until it closed.  Now I'm at the campsite writing this.  

I spent the first six or so hours just reading.  Reading is the one thing that I've missed these past few years of college.  I could make time for it I'm sure, but I always feel like it's a lower priority.  I figured since this trip is as much about trying to relax as it is about adventuring and following through with my project, it wouldn't really hurt.  I used to sit for hours and read without stopping.  I would occasionally stop to sleep or eat, but I could sit for 24 hours plus and just read. I spent the rest of the time working on the new ROTC website.  I've been working on this ever since I discovered what HTML and CSS were in the beginning of last year.  It's constantly being redone and revamped as I learn new things.  Last year when I read Responsive Web Design, I had to redo it... and then I read about designing for mobile first, and had to redo it again.  Then Javascript came and ruined everything...I'm at the point where I've realized that I'm never going to be content with what I know, so I might as well just finish the freaking website and make edits as I learn.  On the bright side, I'm getting good at it, thanks to redoing it about fifty times...  I know this post has nothing to do with my trip right now... but the fact that I'm on the roadtrip of a lifetime, and I STILL can't keep away from a computer and the books means that I should probably look into this as a career... Which makes me very excited to have an idea.  I consider that a successful part of this trip.

Off topic for a second- I hear a high school marching band drum line somewhere in the distance, and it makes me miss my days as drum line captain, practicing for band camp for a few weeks over the summer in preparation for the parades and football games.  If I have time, I think I'll go back to playing drums at the football games at W&J like I did freshman and sophomore year.  Also, more off topic, the people in the campsite near mine just came over and asked how I was getting wifi, so I explained how hotspots worked to them.  We started talking, and one is from Italy, one is from New Zealand, and one is from... I forget already.  But the one from New Zealand is going to Penn State next year so I told her I live like 50 minutes from campus and have a biomedical science certification from there.  She seemed excited to hear about the campus and classes.

Okay, back on topic.  I like this whole web design/development thing, and I think I'll stick with it.  But I'm done now.  I'm too busy listening to the group of international travelers argue over the best clothing to wear for hiking.  It's entertaining me.  When I wake up tomorrow, I'm either driving to the Grand Canyon, or taking another day off to just relax and learn stuff.  I guess I'll find out tomorrow.


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