Friday, August 16, 2013

Magellan 2013: Fulton, MO


Oh, and I'm listening to Bob Dylan of all people.

And I've been doing flips on these two beds.  And I've traveled 6,981.1 miles so far.  And my current location is Fulton, MO.  I'm staying in a kickass hotel.  My friend's mom had hotel points, and she hooked me up.  It has free cookies.  What kind of hotel just has free cookies just lying around?  I think they were free.  I took them, so they were free for me.  I left world's sketchiest hotel this morning and drove to Columbia, MO, with every intention of checking out the college as per recommendation, but I found a bookstore, and lost all hope for the afternoon.  They just draw me in and then I'm stuck until it lets me go.  I just look at all of the books, I realize all of the things I don't know, and then I decide I'm going to buy every book and learn everything all at once forever.  I just keep thinking about how drastically someone could change the world if they knew everything.

Later, I made it to Fulton, checked in, and then went and saw Jobs the movie.  Reading Hackers kinda ruined it for me, but it was a good movie and Ashton Kutcher did a decent job.  Haha.  A decent Job... haha.. Okay.  Sorry.  Like I said, this post is hard.  That's it.  I called my mom and she said I need to "put my brain to rest," so that's my next goal.  After I read this book and write this thing and do a few more flips and possibly everything else that pops into my head between now and whenever I get tired.


P.S. It's my last day of Magellaning tomorrow.  I'm going to Ohio to have lunch with KC Ortega antes de salir a EspaƱa.  And then Connor's house for a night or two, and then WashPa and then McAlisterville, and then WashPa and school.

P.P.S. Goodnight.

Current status.

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