Monday, August 5, 2013

Magellan 2013: Barstow, CA

Currently Listening To: Between The Raindrops - Lifehouse feat. Natasha Bedingfield
Miles Traveled:  3730.0
Current Location: Barstow, CA

I made it to California.  This was not part of the original plan, but that plan went out the window about five states ago.  It's more like a "let's see how many states I can fit in before school starts."  Right now I'm at fourteen states in thirteen days.  

Powell Lake, AZ

I was laying in the grass taking pictures of the sunset.  It looked on fire.

Lake Powell

Lake Powell

Lake Jacob fire

What did the mother buffalo say to the baby buffalo before he left for school?  -Bison! Heh heh...

I'm like 80 miles from Yucca Valley where my cousin moved to a few weeks ago.  Hopefully I can visit her tomorrow.  I drove about 600 miles today, between Page, the North Rim, and then to Barstow.  The drive to the North Rim was beautiful, and at one point I stopped to take pictures of a forest fire.  When I got into the park, I had to stop again, thanks to a herd of buffalo on the road.  The North Rim was a lot calmer than the South, and I enjoyed it more.  From there, I drove straight to Barstow, where I am staying the night.  The drive was great.  The landscape changed every hour, and I never ran out of things to see.  On the way back through, I'll be stopping in Utah and Colorado for at least a week, so I wasn't too worried about missing things.  At this point, I'm just going to drive to the Pacific ocean just so I can say I did it.  

I'm behind on sleep, so this entry is short in comparison with some.  Goodnight.

P.S. Gas prices are >4 dollars here, and it makes me incredibly sad...

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