Monday, August 12, 2013

Magellan 2013: Las Vegas

Miles Traveled: 5,200 something…
Currently Listening To: All I Want – Kodaline
Current Location: Las Vegas, NV

I had a change of plans.  I was going to drive north and hang out in Oregon and Washington, since Washington has been my favorite place I’ve probably ever been to.  However, I got a phone call asking if I can move into school a few days early to start working on stuff, so I am heading back.

I had a great past week hanging out with my friend in Santa Maria.  I met a guy on a street in Santa Barbara from Cranberry, PA who knew people from W&J, which was cool.  Kinda.  He was hammered, so I don’t think he’ll remember that… Cassy (my friend) and her parents were incredibly nice and put me in a spare bedroom and fed me copious amounts of steak.  It was glorious.  And when I left this morning, her mom sent a giant bag of food, lunch meat, cheese, etc to make it home.  Her dad called one of his friends in Vegas and got me a place to stay for free for the night.  He was in the Army, so he was giving me advice on how to not be a screw up lieutenant and things like that.  Haha.  And then her mom used her extra Holiday Inn hotel points to get me a place to stay in Missouri later on.  So I’m pretty much set!  I really appreciate people who take in travelers on a moment’s notice and take care of them.  I hope to return the favor soon.

I ended up staying with them for four days, so I didn’t do as much exploration as I was planning on, and now since I’m heading back, I won’t be seeing up north.  In other words, I’m already planning my next trip out… I’m thinking San Francisco, Oregon, and Washington.  I need to see some trees.

Tomorrow I’m driving into Utah and hitting up Bryce Canyon and Zion for the day.  I’ll camp out there and then drive into Colorado to Mesa Verde area at some point.  So if my readers (or my southwest expert, Dr. Fee) have ideas for cool things in the area to check out, let me know!  After a few days there, I’ll head to Ohio to see Connor and KC, and then head to WashPa or McAlisterville.  That’s what’s up!

P.S. I’m emotionally attached to my car.  It’s happened.  We’ve had a good 5000 miles together, and I’m ready for many more.  If only I liked people this much…

P.P.S. Also, my car overheated between Santa Maria and Las Vegas, and I stopped by the road to fix it.  I had lots of water just in case this happened.  As I was sitting there waiting for it to cool enough to pop the cap, two guys in a pickup pulled up with a gallon of antifreeze and offered to fix it.  I didn’t argue.  So thank you, random strangers!

P.P.P.S. I’m not a fan of all of these signs that end in an “E.” I liked all the west heading signs…

Okay.  I’m done.  Now to “borrow” some wifi from some kind stranger who doesn’t know how to change his router default password and post this to the blog…


  1. I've done relatively little in that part of the country (Utah seems to consistently be about when we're getting tired and want to go home), so definitely prod Fee for the good recommendations. However, when you're making your run for Ohio, depending on the timing, I just noticed this mid-country attraction:

    1. I responded to this earlier but I must've been in bad service...

      I love food on a stick! Especially corn dogs. I will definitely try to stop here if I end up going near it. The deep fried brownie on a stick sounds so completely horrible for you that I bet it tastes amazing.

  2. I am so down to make a trip to the north west with you.
