Thursday, August 8, 2013

Magellan 2013: Maricopa, CA

Currently Listening To: Grace Like Rain - Todd Agnew
Miles Traveled:  4,891.1
Current Location: Maricopa, CA

Alright, I'm doing this quick because I'm so tired and all I want is sleep.  I was going to put it off until tomorrow, but I can do this.

I drove all over today. If it wasn't so fun and W&J wasn't paying for it, I'd know it was a total waste of gas and money and would never do it on my own accord. Yay college!  I drove from San Diego to Sierra Nevada mountains by Death Valley, and then started heading back west towards Santa Maria.  I made it to some random town by a large vineyard before I called it quits.  I got some nice pictures which will hopefully make it on here at some point.

I also have this whole argument in my head about how photography is a cruel art form, but at this point in the night, my thoughts aren't coming out in normal people sentences, so that will be later.  If I remember.  Just know I'm angry over it.  Ask me tomorrow.

Oh, and I'm heading towards Santa Maria because I got invited to a BBQ at someone's house in Santa Maria.  I love BBQs.

Also, California is a let down.  Or maybe I'm just in all the wrong spots.  It seems kinda lifeless and facadish.  Not a word, I know.  It's very talked up but it just seems kinda empty.  I'll give it a few more days, but then I'm hitting up Oregon because I miss trees and copious amounts of greenery.

And I haven't had coffee.  In almost four months.  And I need coffee.

Okay, goodnight.  And hi mom.  My loyal reader. 

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