Monday, July 29, 2013

Magellan 2013: Santa Fe, NM

Currently Listening To: Hear You Me-Jimmy Eat World (my favorite song, I might add)
Miles Traveled: will hit 2000 miles traveled by the time I make it back to the campsite
Current Location: Santa Fe Public Library, Santa Fe - because I can't help it...

I swear I have library senses.  I can find a library anywhere.  Or maybe it's the free wifi...I won't question it.  But here I am.  In the library.  Reading books. 

Earlier today I went to a bunch of art galleries and museums.  I finally checked out the Georgia O'Keeffe museum after seeing signs for it for...the entire time I've been here.  It was actually pretty cool, for not being completely familiar with her work.  Some of Alfred Stieglitz's pieces OF Georgia O'Keeffe were there, and I recognized a few. My favorite painting was Pelvis IV, which shows a blue sky and moon through the hole of a pelvis bone.  Her style of painting matches the environment of the area, with the soft hills and the architecture of the buildings.  Even her individual brushstrokes from painting to painting were soft and rounded, and not abrupt and jerky like some artists.  It was harmonious and continuous.  Okay, done being an art student.  Although I don't usually gravitate towards that style of painting, I can appreciate what she did.  Moving on.

I decided to see a movie, because I didn't recognize any of the titles except for Before Midnight.  The movie that I DID go and see wasn't too bad, but I don't even remember the name, so there goes recommending it.  The important part of this story is that the movie theater was filled with me and about fifteen old ladies, all of who were at least 60.  I wish I was joking.  I'm starting to think I'm actually a 60 year old woman trapped in a 21 year old body.  It makes me sad.

Anyway, another day of art and lemonade.  I really like lemonade... Tomorrow I'm heading to Taos to go exploring/hiking.  I'm very proud of the fact that I've had a post for every single day I've traveled so far.  I have been keeping notes during the day, which is the ONLY reason I can remember any of this...


OH wait.  I also went to the Art Museum of Santa Fe, and they had a trippy projector exhibit with people floating in coffee cups.  I'm going to try to do this when I get home, because it's not the first time I've seen it done and it's pretty cool.  Senior show ideas?

P.S. I got 118 page views yesterday on this blog, so I'm feeling quite proud.  The day before I posted any of these posts, I had 3.  Yay, traffic.