Thursday, July 25, 2013

Magellan 2013: Rolla, MO to Amarillo, TX

Currently listening to: You're The Reason-Eyeshine
Current location: Amarillo, TX
Miles Traveled: 1,547.9

Day two=complete!

I left Rolla this morning around eight and started towards Oklahoma City.  I passed Ft. Leonard Wood and there was smoke everywhere.  I thought it was just fog at first, but i could actually see it billowing up, and it was a dark gray color.  I tried to find out from my friends at LW if Missouri was having forest fires, but no luck. 

 When I got close to the border of Kansas and Missouri, I got off the interstate and onto Historic Route 66 in Joplin.  I followed it for a few miles before coming to a life-size Mater tow truck from the movie Cars.  I had read that the movie was based on Route 66, so I was very excited.  I stopped, took a few pictures, and talked to the lady that had given a lot of information to the makers of the movie.  The street had a lot of buildings that had been featured in the movie.

I drove into Kansas on route 160, and I made a discovery.  Kansas is weird.  I stopped along the road in an wooded area on a road that was barely a road in order to use my phone.   Then, three white limos drove down the road filled with elderly people, all who stared and pointed at me.  I kept driving and came to a bridge with a very descriptive sign.  It read, "Bridge floods.  Turn around.  Don't drown."  I should've taken a picture... 

Anyway, I eventually turned south into Oklahoma.  A year ago to the day I was in Oklahoma at boot camp.  I can't say that I miss those days... I don't understand Oklahoma turnpikes.  I payed literally five times on one road.  When I got on, they gave me a ticket.  It told me that in 27 miles, I would need to pay $3.15.  I drove twenty-seven miles, and sure enough, I came to a toll booth.  I paid, and kept driving...on the same road.   In seven miles, I came to another one.  This time, I had to pay $1.35.  I drive three more miles, and had to pay .35 cents. This was all on the same road... I exited, paid another toll, got food, got back on the road... And paid again.  I don't think I like Oklahoma.  I'm going broke.  Haha.

When I saw the sign for Texas, I was pretty happy.  Amarillo is my last stop before Santa Fe.  Everything was extremely flat, with gorges cut into the earth.  It started to rain, and it was beautiful because I could see the rain miles before I drove into it.  It was just like the clouds had touched the ground.  Amarillo is a nice place, and I'm going to take some time tomorrow to explore the area.  

I keep thinking that I'm missing cool things, but my favorite part of the trip so far is just driving.  I think I'll need a separate trip to just stop and see everything.  :D