Friday, July 26, 2013

Magellan 2013: Amarillo, TX to Santa Fe, NM

Currently listening to: Flightless Bird, American Mouth-Iron & Wine
Current location: Santa Fe, NM
Miles Traveled: 1911.2

Another reason that Optimus>Tank: The streets of Santa Fe had inches of water running over them and not only did I NOT drift into oncoming traffic, it was like there wasn't any water there.

I slept in until eight today.  I finally got the need to hurry up and drive out of my least a little bit more.  Amarillo was small, but there was a lot of buildings squished into the area.  I drove a few miles out of the city to see Cadillac Ranch, which was the only pace I've visited so far that was actually in my plan.  Actually...someone asked me what my Magellan was about and I just said art, because I couldn't remember what my proposal said.  I just wanted to take a road trip.  I should work on that before my reflection paper is due in September... Anyway.  Cadillac Ranch.  It's a public art installation consisting of ten Cadillacs stuck on end in a cow pasture.  There are cans of spray paint just littered around it, encouraging visitors to add to the art.

From here, I went to the Amarillo Museum of Art and ended up in the library reading a book about da Vinci, my favorite artist.  They had an lithography exhibit, which I enjoyed mostly because I have no idea how to do it.  I saw three pieces by Georgia O'Keeffe, and learned that she had been an elementary art school teacher in Amarillo at one point.

I ended my time in Amarillo by driving to the Palo Duro Canyon State Park.  It was exactly the vegetation that imagined the southwest to be. I hiked down into the canyon for a few hours, exploring and taking pictures.  When looking back over the pictures that I took, it looked like I was out in the wilderness, snapping shots of the canyon, when in reality, I was less than a mile from a road, a visitor center, and a bunch of cars.  It's so easy to erase human touch from photos and make the shot look a certain way.  As I was hiking, I was subconsciously picking up rocks and pottery, just like I always did when I was little.  I used to go outside all day, and come back with my pockets full of stuff.

From there, I drove to Santa Fe.  It was a nice drive, and the further I went, the more everything switched over to bilingual or just Spanish.  I realized I was reading them both without differentiating between the two.  I got into the city and it was pouring down rain, but I'm glad to be here, and I'm excited to hang out in one place for a few days.